
Saturday, 22 March 2014

New work at The Cotswold Table Kingham.

I will have some new jewellery and tableware at The Cotswold Table in Kingham tomorrow.

Silver pendant with gold inlay.



Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Clam Locket II

Silver and gold clam locket completed today. Made using my brass stamp.

Stamp and locket

I have been using Rhino to create stamps. I have the file 3D printed then cast in brass. This allows me to stamp out a shape with little distortion to the surface pattern. The silver piece is one half of a locket.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Clam locket

Silver clam locket with chalcedony stone. This piece opens and is held shut with a tiny magnet.






New work at galleries

I've been a busy making work for new galleries.

This first selection of work went to Grace Gallery Frome.

Rainbow cabochon earrings
The following work can be seen at Cursley & Bond in Folkstone.
Aquamarine small locket
Aquamarine small locket
Amethyst arch locket